
S.O.S I Spy Title Reading Challenge

SOS Reading Challenge

Goodreads S.O.S (Serious Overload of Series) group - I SPY TITLE CHALLENGE


In the TITLE of a book, find a word that fits the categories:
Duration: One year from the date started.
A scavenger hunt through our TBR to find books that fit. This one is a TITLE search challenge.
Anthologies & rereads are ok. Most should be along the paranormal/fantasy theme. May use the series name if it is printed on the cover of the book.


Duration- Jan 1st 2011 to Dec 31st 2011.

1. Colour - White Cat (Curse Workers #1) - Holly Black

2. Number - The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella - Stephenie Meyer

3. Things That Grow - Kiss of the Rose (Tudor Vampre Chronicles #1) - Kate Pearce (FINISHED 8th Jan 2011)

4. 4 Seasons - The Autumn Castle (Europa Suite #1) - Kim Wilkins

5. First Name TBC

6. Places - Kitty Goes to Washington (Kitty Norville #2) - Carrie Vaughn

7. Body Part - Magic to the Bone (Allie Beckstrom #1) - Devon Monk

8. Weapon - Poison Study (Study #1) - Maria V Snyder

9. Body of Water TBC

10. Form of Water - Beyond the Highland Mist (Highlander #1) - Karen Marie Moning (FINISHED 12th Jan 2011)

11. Product of Fire - If Angels Burn (Darkyn, #1) - Lynn Viehl

12. Heavenly Body- -Fool Moon (Harry Dresden #2) - Jim Butcher

13. Architecture TBC

14. 5 Senses TBC

15. Royal Title - Thorn Queen (Dark Swan #2) - Richelle Mead

16. Family Member - Midnight's Daughter (Dorina Basarab #1) - Karen Chance

17. 4 Elements - Kiss of Fire (Dragonfire #1)) - Deborah Cooke

18. Time of Day - Nightlife (Cal Leandros #1) - Rob Thurman

19. Metal TBC

20. Emotion - Pleasure Unbound (Demonica #1) - Larissa Ione

21. Animal - Way of the Wolf (Vampire Earth #1) - E E Knight

22. Something to Read TBC

23. Gender Identifier - Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires #1) - Chloe Neill

24. Paranormal Being TBC


I'm struggling a bit with some of the categories but I'll get there...

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