
Cover Reveal - Wicked As They Come by Delilah S Dawson

OMG! I want to read this book so bad, I can almost TASTE it! Due to be released in Spring 2012 and I CAN NOT WAIT!.

So I'm trawling google for book reviews, news, cover pics... and this pic hover's onto the radar

WOW! Meet Criminy Stain.

Steampunk, Vampire's, Top hat's, Circus Freak's.... Oh yeah, sound's like a keeper!

WICKED AS THEY COME, Book #1 in the Blud series.

When Tish Everett forces open the locket she finds at an estate sale, she has no idea that a deliciously rakish Bludman has cast a spell just for her. She wakes up in a surreal world where Criminy Stain, the dashing proprietor of a magical circus, curiously awaits. At Criminy's electric touch, Tish glimpses a tantalizing future, but she also fore...sees her ultimate doom. Before she can decide whether to risk her fate with the charming daredevil, the locket disappears, and with it, her only chance to return home. Tish and Criminy battle roaring sea monsters and thundering bludmares, vengeful ghosts and crooked Coppers in a treacherous race to recover the necklace from the evil, Blud-hating Magistrate. But if they succeed, will Tish forsake her fanged suitor and return to her normal life, or will she take a chance on an unpredictable but dangerous destiny with the Bludman she's coming to love?

Holy! I want to read that soooo bad! Not sure why it's grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and hauled me into fangirl territory... all I know is that it Spring seems like a looooong time away.

I've trawled all over the interweb to find out as much as I can about this little gem and soaked up everything I can find about Delilah S Dawson and her new book and am REALLY excited about finding out more.

I'm going to stalk follow on
Blog | Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook and have put in a Pre Order at Amazon UK

There's not a lot of info to be found yet, other than the blurb (taken from Delilah's Facebook page) but I'll be first in line to read any news about Wicked As They Come because Spring next year can't come fast enough for me.

I CAN NOT WAIT!! Did I say that already?...

Oh! And, as if all that's not enough to get your juices flowing... There are also vampire bunnies! WTH?! That in itself is worth buying the book for!


  1. Thanks so, so much for stalking my book... I mean, spreading the word. =) What a nice blog post to wake up to! I'll definitely keep the news coming on my website and FB page as it happens.

    Also, there are vampire bunnies. I don't think the blurb mentions that.

  2. :D Thanks for stopping by!

    Vampire just keeps getting better and better :P

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. OMG - I LOVE that cover - Can we say love love love!
    I think the concept is worthy of a read - I manage a few books a year - or try to anyway.
    Yum Yum -
    This book looks de-lish
    Glad I found this blog!
    Terry Kate
    The Sanction Chronicles

  5. Wow, this sounds wonderful!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog on the hop and introducing me to Criminy (what a great name, right? :)) I'll have to add this to my goodreads TBR pile.
    Hope you have a great weekend,
    Ninja Girl

  6. Vampire bunnies? What craziness is that? Awesome craziness! Sounds like a great book.

  7. grr my comment got deleted!

    I love your giddyness for the book, it is so nice seeing people get that excited by a book
    (I get it too).

    Yes it is the same author, would you give me his link please.

    Oh and vampire rabbits, that sounds new lol


  8. Can. Not. Wait, Lainy!

    I'm going to have to figure out some serious jiggery-pokery to get it though, when Spring gets resoloution for 2012 is to not spend a penny on book buying! :O
